Category Archives: Mistress Savannah’s Artwork

“Cecil The Lion(s): In Honour Of All Lions. Everywhere”

Here he is. Thank you to those of you who have followed this painting’s journey and it certainly was one. It was sketched out on the back of an old block-mounted print that was suddenly repurposed for the task. As the painting progressed it was infused with a few very special moments: Topaz (the dog) sitting in reverential silence as she stared at it for ten minutes, straight, the afternoon light shining down upon it in strobe lighting to herald in the dusk, tears of grief as I painted in the eyes to give them life again. I painted through a rainstorm, with the wind biting to my bones as the rain stung my flesh. For the first time ever, I simply let the paintbrushes do the work for me; resisting the urge to smooth out and neaten as I created in more ways than I have spoken of. And I thought of Cecil the Lion and the millions of others like him that have come, gone, and will leave in the future.
That is why this painting is of more than one lion. I used two photos as a reference. Cecil’s mane is the colour seen in the lower part of the painting, the paler colours of the face, and in the eyes. The red ochre and burnt sienna comes from the colouring of other lions. So, that is why this piece is entitled “Cecil the Lion(s); In Honour of All Lions. Everywhere” (C) Savannah 2015. Acrylics on MDF.
Shitty iPhone photos are mandatory.

"Cecil The Lion(s): In Honour Of All Lions. Everywhere. (C) Mistress Savannah 2015. Acrylics on MDF.

“Cecil The Lion(s): In Honour Of All Lions. Everywhere. (C) Mistress Savannah 2015. Acrylics on MDF.

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